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Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2004 - 7:30 pm


A former co-worker sent me this link to that cannibal guy, in anticipation of our lunch date. I might hurl.


That's only because the guy ate the penis. Admit it, if it was served penis-less, with some fava beans and a nice chianti, you'd be bellying up to the table with your fork at the ready.


I think she's on to something Jamie. I was not bothered by this story at all. In fact, I found it quite interesting is that he had a gay cannibals site. To distinguish himself from the straight cannibals, I suppose? Are there that many cannibals out there that they have to form splinter groups? Left handed cannibals? Blue collar cannibals? Cannibals for Christianity? The possibilities are endless.


Yes, just like there are sites for high heel spankers, loafer spankers, clog spankers, mule spankers, and boot spankers.

You're on crack people.


Oooooh, Samantha! Shoes and spanking!! Do you discriminate, or do you love all groups equally?


I think it's mule masturbators, to be technical.


Mule wankers?


Wedgie Wankers. Work with me here people.


Back to the cannibal, do you think he ought to go to jail? The guy told him to kill him and eat him! What's more, is a 5-year sentence going to cure his problem? He still gets off at the thought of killing and eating people! Makes the guys I've met seem downright vanilla. Although the one guy was a biter �


And the poor guy was lonely, had a controlling mother and watched horror movies. What else was he to do? Wait � I'm lonely ... with a controlling mother ... and watch horror movies ... Waaahaaaahaaaahaaahaa.


Samantha, I'm not going over to your house for dinner tonight. Obviously when you asked me to offer something up, I didn't quite understand. Weirdo.


Glinda, do you remember the horrible movie Hannibal we watched (on chicken carcass night at my house if I recall?).... Jamie could be my Ray Liotta!


"Smells delicious! Is that my own brain frying up in some butter with some leeks and capers right now? Mmmm!�


Wasn't it garlic?


Stop it I will throw up. I will. Don't make me throw up.


Oh stop with the throwing up � it�s not like we said �penis� or anything.

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